Results for 'Gavriil Arkhipovich Mashtaler'

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    Gavriil Vasilevich Ksenofontov and The Reasons Of His Great Work “Elleiada”’s Late Publishing.Muvaffak Duranli - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1011-1020.
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    Gavriil Derzhavin on Russian Civilization: Russia as “The North”.Alexei A. Kara-Murza - 2018 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 56 (2):88-98.
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    Sermons of Gavriil Buzhinskii.Adam Drozdek - 2016 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 28 (1):263-278.
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    Writing the history of Russian philosophy.Alyssa DeBlasio - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (3):203-226.
    This article addresses the writing of the history of Russian philosophy from the first of such works—Archimandrite Gavriil’s Russian Philosophy [ Russkaja filosofija , 1840]—to philosophical histories/textbooks in the twenty-first century. In the majority of these histories, both past and present, we find a relentless insistence on the delineation of “characterizing traits” of Russian philosophy and appeals to “historiosophy,” where historiosophy is employed as being distinct from the historiographical method. In the 1990s and 2000s, the genre of the history (...)
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    M.N. Gromov, N.S. Kozlov. Russian Philosophical Thought of the Tenth Through the Seventeenth Centuries.V. S. Gorskii - 1992 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 30 (4):83-87.
    The difficulty of the task that the authors of this book have posed themselves is due in the first instance to the fact that this period has been very little studied in the history of philosophy. In applying the term "early Russian philosophy" to the set of ideas, images, and conceptions of a philosophical order contained in the cultural texts of the tenth through the seventeenth centuries, M.N. Gromov and N.S. Kozlov see it not simply as a specific stage in (...)
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    Storia delle storie generali della filosofia. [REVIEW]Riccardo Pozzo - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (4):912-914.
    In volume 4, L’età hegeliana II, on the first half of the nineteenth century outside of Germany and Great Britain, the team of researchers raised by Santinello has provided a comprehensive investigation of the French Joseph-Marie Degérando and Victor Cousin ; of the Italians Baldassarre Poli, Vincenzo Gioberti, Pasquale Galluppi, and Antonio Rosmini ; of the Spaniards Tomás Lapeña, Sebastián Quintana, Victor Arnau y Lamea, Tomás García Luna, and Jaime Balmes, of the Austrians Michael Klaus, Eduard Job, Gottfried Immanuel Wenzel, (...)
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    История философии Раннего Нового времени в России: казус Архимандрита Гавриила.Daria Drozdova - 2022 - Философия. Журнал Высшей Школы Экономики 6 (1):151-183.
    Данная работа представляет собой первую часть исследования, посвященного становлению и трансформации канонического изложения истории философии Нового времени в русскоязычной философской литературе. Начиная с последних десятилетий XIX века в европейских и американских учебниках по истории философии окончательно фиксируется канон новоевропейской философии, который представлен нарративом о противостоянии двух главных эпистемологических традиций Нового времени: рационализма (в лице Декарта, Спинозы и Лейбница) и эмпиризма (в лице Локка, Беркли и Юма). Однако такое изложение истории новоевропейской философии возникает в противоборстве разных традиций (кантианской, гегельянской, позитивистской и (...)
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